Camanachd Leòdhais reclaimed the Hebridean Celtic Festival Inter-island Shinty Challenge Cup with a comprehensive 9-0 win over Uist Camanachd at Bayhead, Stornoway on Saturday 15th July.
In front of another healthy HebCelt crowd, Lewis secured the trophy back from Uist with a record scoreline for the club. This was thanks to four from Donnie MacRae (which was his 15th of the season and in doing so smashed Will Church’s ten year old record for most goals in a season) and single goals from Donald Lamont, Callum MacRitchie, Paul Duke, Dylan Murray and Scott MacLeod.
The bench got a good run out and it was a nice win to keep the club’s momentum up before an away trip to Inverness this weekend.
Thanks to Uist Camanachd and all who helped them put together a squad for the game. It was good to see our friends from the Southern Isles again and we hope to continue to work with them in the coming years to strengthen shinty throughout the Western Isles.
Thanks to the visiting Craig Scott for refereeing.
As always a thousand thanks to the Hebridean Celtic Festival for their support for this iconic fixture. Mìle taing!