Club Honours

Duaisean 2011 – Fair Play Award, MG ALBA Mod Trophy, Mod Cup, HebCelt Cup, Berneray Causeway Shield

Club Honours

Mòd Cup Winners 2011

Lewis and Harris Sports Council Club of the Year 2019

Sunday Mail/Sportscotland Scottish Sports Local Club of the Year Finalists 2011

Marine Harvest Fair Play Award Winners 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017*, 2018

Hebridean Celtic Festival Cup Winners 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2023, 2024

Far North Sixes Winners 2010

Berneray Causeway Shield Winners 2011

Cuach a’ Chuain Sgìth – Minch Cup Winners 2023 (Youth Level)

Shinty Yearbook Trophy to Camanachd Leòdhais 1995

Individual Honours

Duncan MacIntyre – MOWI North Area Coach of the Year 2023

Andrew MacAskill and Scott MacLeod – Lewis and Harris Young Person’s Coach of the Year 2019

Ally Lamont – Marine Harvest Donella Crawford Award for School/Youth Volunteers 2017

Al Reed – Lewis and Harris Young Person’s Coach of the Year 2016

Steven Morrison – Player of Tournament, Far North Sixes 2016

Al Reed – Player of Tournament, Far North Sixes 2015

Paul Duke – Lewis and Harris Sports Council Sportsworld Sportsperson of the Year 2014

Iain Sinclair – Marine Harvest North Division Three Coach of the Year 2014

Scott Murray – Player of Tournament, Far North Sixes 2010

Scott Murray – World of Shinty Player of the Year North Division Three 2012

Players of the Year

2007 Daniel Gallagher

2008 Daniel Gallagher

2009 No Award

2010 Scott Murray

2011 Paul Duke

2012 Scott Murray

2013 Daniel Gallagher & Will Church

2014 Paul Duke

2015 Kenny Murray

2016 Michael MacLeod

2017 Ally Lamont

2018 Scott MacLeod

2019 Donald Lamont

2022 Scott MacLeod

2023 Donnie MacRae

Manager’s Player of the Year

Ceremonial Caman from 1968 Macaulay Cup Final, presented to Donald Shaw, Kyles Athletic – donated to club for presentation by his son, Dougie Shaw

2016 Michael MacLeod

2017 Ally Lamont

2018 Ronan Sinclair

2019 Donald Lamont

2022 Daniel Gallagher

2023 Scott MacLeod

Captain’s Player of the Year

2016 Ally Lamont

2017 Ronan Sinclair

2018 Donald Lamont

2019 Callum MacRitchie

2022 Daniel Gallagher

2023 Donnie MacRae

Youth Players of the Year

2011 Al Reed

2012 Paddy Sinclair

2013 Scott MacLeod

2014 Scott MacLeod

2015 Ruaraidh MacMillan

2016 Steven Morrison

2017 Scott Macleod

2018 Callum MacRitchie

2019 Callum MacRitchie

2022 Donny Murray

2023 Finlay MacLeod

Ladies Players of the Year

2015 Alicia MacSween

2016 Alicia MacSween

2017-2023 No Award

Club Captains

Before 2011 the club captaincy was usually appointed on a game to game basis, Duncan MacIntyre, Paul Duke, Conor MacDonald and a couple of others had held the position for various games.

2011 Scott Murray

2012 Stuart “Tyson” Campbell

2013 Paul Duke

2014 Duncan MacIntyre

2015 Kenny “Duffy”  Murray

2016 Kenny “Duffy”  Murray

2017 Paul Duke

2018 Peter Gomez

2019 Ally Lamont, Donald Lamont

2020-2022 Donald Lamont

2023 Scott MacLeod


2007 – Eoghan Stewart

2008-2009 – Conor MacDonald

2010 – Paul Duke/Eoghan Stewart

2011-2012 Paul Duke

2013-2015 Iain “Diablo” Sinclair

2016-2017 Duncan MacIntyre

2018-2022 John MacAskill

2023 – Duncan MacIntyre

Honorary Chieftains

Donna Barden

Neil Ferguson

Boyd MacKenzie

Annette Murray

Sean Macleod

David Macdonald

Representative Honours

Alba (against Èirinn unless stated)

Eoghan Stewart 2007,2010,2010,2012, 2013*, 2015, 2016 *Alba Man of the Tournament

Conor MacDonald 2007,2008,2010,2010,2012

Paul Duke 2008, 2010, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2022

Micheal MacDonald 2007,2012

Sean MacLeod 2007,2008,2010,2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018 (v England), 2018 (Also Manager in 2018 & 2019)

Innes Lamont 2013, 2014

Ally Lamont 2013, 2014, 2018 (v England)

Paddy Sinclair 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019

Seumas Charity 2013, 2015, 2016

Joesph MacInnes 2016

Calum Ferguson 2016

Crisdean MacRae 2018

Stuart Campbell 2018, 2019, 2022

Willie MacLeod 2023 (v England)

Finlay MacLeod 2023 (v England)

Boireannaich na h-Alba (against Èirinn unless stated)

Lucy MacLeod 2023

South of Scotland Universities

Scott Murray 2011

Micheal Macdonald 2013 (As West of Scotland)

Scottish Universities

Scott Murray 2012

Al Reed 2018

Skye & Wester Ross U17

Paddy Sinclair 2012

Ronan Sinclair 2017

Scott MacLeod 2017

Skye & Wester Ross U14

Scott MacLeod 2013

Ronan Sinclair 2014

WCA Allstars

Alicia MacSween 2016

SCOTS Camanachd – British Armed Forces

Crawford MacLellan 2012, 2014, 2015

National Development Camp

2007 Sean MacLeod

2012 Paddy Sinclair, Michael MacLeod, Connor Chalmers

2014 Scott MacLeod, Ronan Sinclair

2015 Ruairidh MacMillan, Scott MacLeod, Ronan Sinclair

2017 Scott MacLeod

2019 Callum MacRitchie, Daniel Harrison, Owen MacKenzie, Ciaran Murray

2022 Donny Murray, Innes Begg, Finlay MacLeod

2023 Innes Begg, Ruairidh MacLennan, Seumas Smith, Finlay MacLeod

National Development Squad Under 17

2008 Sean MacLeod

As Glasgow Island – St Andrew’s Sixes Winners 2012

Eoghan Stewart, Scott Murray, Ally Lamont, Kenny Mould, Micheal Macdonald w/ Kerr Gibb & Andrew Grace

(Famous for being banned from speaking Gaelic on the park by referee!)


Lewis Sixes 2007

Winners – Lochs

Craig Morrison Stornoway Sixes – List of Winners

2010 Skye Camanachd A

2011 Lewis Camanachd B

2013 Lewis Camanachd A

2014 Will Church’s VI

2015 Tina Turners (Peter Gomez VI)

2016 Simply The Best (Michael MacLeod VI)

2017 Glenurquhart

2018 Aiseag an Stròm Aonaichte (Stromeferry No Ferry United)

2019 Strathglass

2020 Played as large-sided game between two Lewis squads, game finished 2-2 – trophy shared

2021 Reds (played 7 a-side between two Lewis squads)

2022 Lewis Camanachd B

2023 Lewis Camanachd B

For Iomain Challainn results click here


1979 Lochcarron 5 v Skye Camanachd 3 AET (3-3 at 90 minutes), Battery Park, Lochcarron (Stornoway Mòd)

1989 Skye Camanachd 4 v Beauly 2, Bayhead, Stornoway (Stornoway Mòd)

2001 Kyleakin PS 11 v Back Camanachd 0, Rally Park, Tarbert (Stornoway Mòd)

2005 Uist Camanachd 3 v Lewis Camanachd* 0, Lionacleit, Uist (Mòd nan Eilean Siar) *First Constituted Lewis Camanachd

2011 Camanachd Leòdhais 2 v Uist Camanachd 0, Lionacleit, Uist (Mòd nan Eilean Siar)

2016 Skye Camanachd 3 v Camanachd Leòdhais 0, Sgoil Shiaboist, Lewis (Mòd nan Eilean Siar)


Duais Triath nan Eilean – Lord of the Isles Trophy

1997 Back Camanachd (Lewis)

1998 Tournament Cancelled

1999 Muirneag (Berneray)

2005 Uist Camanachd (Lionacleit)

2023 Camanachd Leòdhais Blues (Stornoway) Coronation Event

2024 Camanachd Leòdhais A (Shawbost)

Dr Barden Trophy – List of Winners and Player of Match

2017 Vice Captain’s Team (Kieran Macdonald)

Player of Match – Stewart MacRitchie (Captain’s Team)

Cupa na Sgire – List of Winners

Presented with the Seaforth Shield, presented to the club by SCOTS Camanachd in 2009

2016 – Lochs

Causeway Shield – List of Winners

2011 Lewis Camanachd

2013 Uist

Mid Minch Medal – List of Winners

2008 Kinlochbervie

2009 Kinlochbervie

2010 Kinlochbervie

Far North Sixes Under 14

2017 3rd Place – Camanachd Leòdhais Blues

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